“There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” - Wendell Berry
As ministry leaders, we know, intellectually at least, that no space in our lives is unsacred. Yet many of those spaces feel less than sacred, if not fully desecrated. Our own internal soul space with self and God, the spaces between us and our spouses and children, the spaces within our leadership structures and the communal space within the Church body itself.
You don’t need to hear the statistics (though they’re there!) to confirm what you already know experientially - ministry leaders are exhausted. Discouraged, confused, lonely, perhaps betrayed or even abused. Or perhaps just starting out and wanting to prevent landing there. There are many helps to draw from but there is something uniquely healing about being cared for by someone who has walked these roads for years.
It is my privilege, with twenty-plus years of ministry leadership (see About page), to walk alongside those looking for hope and health in these spaces. In my pastoral counseling, I draw heavily on IFS (Internal Family Systems), as this framework has been shown to facilitate deep healing and gospel growth as we attend to these spaces.